Using this mod, you can scrap different stuff, which includes trees, cars, buildings, machines, weapons, and even humans and animals. However, Scrap Everything is used to get rid of all the annoying stuff that you don’t like in the game, which cannot be scrapped while in the vanilla game. It can also help you to transform all of your settlements into barren lands. It allows the users to get rid of all the things, including his/her settlements that have been made prior to the use of this mod. Now has the 50 song version should fix most bugs too.

Can you make a Randomized version so my songs don't play in order? It is Actually Coming soon after a year!.Do the Songs Play One after another? Yes they Do at the Moment and i will most likely always keep this as an option.Can i add more songs or less? yes you can choose the amount that suits you but these are only set to 5 specific variable at the moment.wav Converters will work so it can be a case of trial and error, I'm not sure if this one works but i have been told it does. Does anyone know a good mp3 to wav converter? Audacity has been recommend but also needs the lame Plugin so try this out.Then paste your Copied songs back into the PersonalRadio Folder.Uninstall old Version of the Mod then Install the new one.Copy your Custom songs to another folder on your computer.xwm format then copy these to another folder and rename them with a number so that they can be played in the game before copying them to the correct folder (Note: if running the songs with. All you have to do is find music that you own in.These 10/20/30/40/50 Files are Numbered 1-10/20/30/40/50 (Note: There are now 5 versions in the one download you must pick one These are the 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 song Versions).There are 10-50 Files within the Data Section located at Data\sound\fx\mus\radio\PersonalRadio.Install the files to the your fallout 4 file or with NMM.The Radio station covers the whole map as far as i know.You can use any music as long as it is.It wont effect existing radio stations but instead creates a whole new one.This mod allows you to have a custom radio station with up to 50 songs on it.